Recycle fans in Nieuwegein can indulge themselves at Ravenswade 54 from September. Bright spaces, more than 2500 m2 retail space, a bicycle department including a bicycle repair shop and a plant department: the new building of the Foundation RataPlan becomes more than a thrift store – and the first RataPlanbranch in the province of Utrecht.

Last year, the Foundation introduced RataPlan already the concept of 'More than a thrift store': locations where you as a visitor can not only hunt to your heart's content for great bargains, but where a complete thrift experience awaits you. And that will also apply to the new store in from September Nieuwegein. It will be the 31e branch in the Netherlands, with which RataPlan can call itself one of the largest recycling companies in the Netherlands.
Adopt a 'RataPlant '
Sustainability and reuse are essential topics for RataPlan. Why throw away a product when it can easily last for years or thanks to a (small) repair? For example, the new location has a bicycle workshop. This is where the bicycle makers break RataPlan not only pick up bicycles brought in, but they are also ready to tinker with your bicycle. This is how we reduce the mountain of waste together!

And reuse is limited to RataPlan not to clothing, furniture or crockery: in Nieuwegein you will soon be able to reach the 'RataPlant' department donate your discarded plants or just 'adop' new green friends. A cozy coffee corner where you can enjoy tasty snacks and drinks in peace between strolls makes the recycling experience complete.
'All elements in the field of sustainability and upcycling come together in this new thrift store', says director Gert-Jan Dekker proudly. 'In this way we take care of the world together, one in which everyone can make a valuable contribution.'
Vulnerable target group
RataPlan The aim is to offer as many people as possible who are at a distance from the regular labor market a paid job. By working in the cycle, this vulnerable target group gets another chance to participate in society. The foundation has succeeded in this in recent years in the provinces of North and South Holland and Flevoland. With the opening of the store in Nieuwegein, RataPlan now also more employment to the Utrecht region.
Volunteers wanted
RataPlan is also supported by volunteers. They are still looking for the location in Nieuwegein. Are you or do you know someone who is interested in this? Please contact manager Sabrina van Vliet via 06-18935561.
You can already donate now!
The range of second-hand items is made possible thanks to donations from residents of Nieuwegein. Do you have unnecessary things at home that need another round keep up? Then donate them to the charity! Bee RataPlan your old, still usable items get a second, third or even fourth life: from furniture and crockery to books and clothing. With your donations you make others happy and you save CO2 emissions. Good for people and the environment! You can already donate on the Ravenswade 54. You are most welcome on Monday to Friday from 09.00:18.00 to XNUMX:XNUMX.